Tag: nature


Husband and photographer, Jeremy Young captured wife Sara Blomqvist not only as model and muse but also as a creator, wearing the handcrafted knit pieces she made especially for this portfolio. Her artistic DIY lineage, rooted in self-sufficiency manifests itself in handmade knits and adoringly intentional children’s clothing. “I realized when I make things that’s actually when I’m the happiest. I feel like I’m achieving something and I enjoy the process of it., from start to finish.”




Since 2012, when Cyrill Gutsch founded Parley for the Oceans, an organization that rallies the power of creative thinkers, scientists and innovators to proactively heal our ailing oceans—its message has grown exponentially, and so has its urgency.



green is a primary color

While the worlds of fashion and farming may seem like entirely disparate realms, model Tasha Tilberg has always sought solace in mother nature and its bountiful offering. In fact, it’s been an inescapable path.
