green is a primary color
For accessories designer Aurora James, finding a bigger purpose in an industry she loved, meant building a business on sustainability and ethical sourcing
...An Interview with Annie Leibovitz
The beauty of an artist still living is that their legend exists for a purpose – and can still be shared. On the eve of the release of her newest book, Annie Leibovitz: Portraits 2005 – 2016, Leibovitz is one such being
Longtime face of fashion Liisa Winkler models herself after Georgia O’Keeffe; she also considers herself a mentee of environmentalist icon Dr. David Suzuki. They are brought together by a deep connection to the Earth.
...Object Admiration
Objects are simultaneously of the Earth and completely otherworldly, a delicate and collaborative balance between nature and craft. Monique Pean’s jewelry, of course, make up the objects in question. If you are a collector or a fellow admirer of beautiful things, you will be in good company with Péan.
She’s part African Canadian, Irish, Italian and Native Indian. There is no one box for her to check, and she does not conform to the fashion industries idealistic beauty standards. She is the face of the future.